Our agents will help you claim the funds from your foreclosure sale and court filing to reclaim surplus funds from your equity sale.

What Are Surplus Funds?

The term “surplus” can be used to describe various forms of excess assets and income, including money left over after a paid off mortgage.

What Is A Mortgage Surplus?

After a bank forecloses on your home it will try to sell it at auction in order to maximize it’s profits. In some cases your home will be sold for more money than you owed on your mortgage, leaving surplus funds that you are entitled to. It is your legal right to claim those funds and we are here to help you get your money!

California Foreclosure Law

California law dictates that after foreclosure, owners are required to present documents showing that they are qualified to receive surplus funds. Our agents will help you with your claim to said surplus funds and walk you through the process needed to get your foreclosure refund.

Do I Have Surplus Funds?

With our help, seeing if you have a foreclosure surplus funds claim is very easy. If the loan amount that you owe to your lenders is less than the amount that your property was sold for then you may be entitled to a foreclosure surplus funds claim.

Let us help you get the money you deserve!